yippee! here you are at your final destination (for now) >:D happy one and a half year anniversary!!
upon arriving at our two year anniversary, this page will link back to the homepage of the website i have been building for you! there's currently a good amount of content here and many more ideas under construction! i'm doing my best to make things interactive and learn more coding along the way! the whole webpage
is up on the web, but right now the only way you can access the rest of it is if you try guessing at the homepage url, so all i've got is scout's honor? ⍩
other than that you may have noticed an odd theme of citrus fruits around here (for the most part), please imagine a faint smell of orange peels any time you are on this website as i havent invented a way to code scents yet, but you would be correct in this theme observation! obviously the homepage explains my reasoning a lot more in-depth and i do very much want to save that for later, however i'll give you a taste now.

this started off due to all the writing i saw about how citrus fruits are segmented to be shared, to be an act of love. i really latched onto that and became *very* sentimental about another inanimate object (as i do) which led me to connecting that idea with you. i know i have already sent you a paragraph about some things we have shared, like high school and almost every photo in our camera rolls, or how i personally still put in a lot of work to learn how to be vulnerable when it’s appropriate. somehow mandarins and clementines just feel like that sharing coming together into something that can physically be with both of us. i brought one to school today. i also haven't talked about this much, but i've been having some more health stuff and have been needing to eat more fruit to keep my blood sugar up, apparently i found a way to make that into a happy thing though because the oranges/clementines remind me of this now. basically a few factors came together and led to whatever this is. it means something to me at best and i sincerely hope that will extend to you, at least after you get a better explanation. i love you very very much and sort of jumped into making something wayy too big, so i'm aware this is a little underwhelming right now but i think it will be worth it when you see the rest ♡ you don't make me feel any pressure to have everything i give be perfect and i will always appreciate that of you, thank you for letting this just be something i'm having fun making.
anyway, this is an anniversary! a little thing humans do with their concept of time where they add some more happy special days to the calender for fun even if it means more work to make gifts, but that's justified because of the love! i like humans sometimes, especially certain ones who can manage to also derive happy special times out of nothingness. thank you for another six months of that. i keep thinking about how many half anniversaries must have passed with other people that i know and with neither of us to acknowlage it, but we just use those as another opportunity to display our feelings and i think that is amazing. i wonder how long it will take for me to stop being suprised that you keep talking to me. i mean, i feel like now i know that everyone deserves something like this, but i certainly never thought i did before. you are a such a big reason for why i am doing everything i can to improve at being a person in general. i owe a lot of those improvments to you but there's a lot more i'm still working on and for you to be here through that is just incredible of you. just thank you so so much for being.
happy anniversary, mi media naranja (//∇//)